On June 6, the head of the Department for External Relations and Communication, Mariya Kiperman, participated in the work of the Conference “Payment russia for the damages caused in Ukraine”, held in London at Goodenough College.
The following issues were discussed during the round table:
- The need to update the principles of responsibility for damages caused by an act of aggression;
- Tortious liability and liability for human rights violations caused by russian state against Ukraine
- Seizure of russian state assets and support for Ukraine bill of UK Parliament
- The human rights-based approach to constraints on State-affiliated property
- Recognition and execution of decisions both national and foreign courts and tribunals on recovery of damage caused by russian State against Ukraine
- Conversion of seizured assets in a working assets for compensation of damage caused by russian state against Ukraine
- Class action lawsuits and compensation damage caused by russian state against Ukraine
“Today, a very important and pressing issue for Ukraine is the issue of justice. Every day, we observe acts of aggression implemented by the russian federation. The blowing up of the Kakhovska HPP by russia is an act of terrorism, ecocide, a war crime, as well as a violation of the 1977 Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Means of Impact on the Natural Environment. Currently, no one has any doubts about the moral suffering and material damage caused to the citizens of Ukraine. The main question that remains open is what mechanism should be applied to the russian federation to compensate for the damage caused, because every Ukrainian has the right to fair compensation. Class actions shall be the most effective tool for the protection of victims of russian aggression against citizens of Ukraine. Today, together with honoured speakers, we shared our thoughts on the practical aspects of the issue of collective redress, the administration of such lawsuits, and the organization of class actions. All this is successful international practice and experience, which we need to apply in Ukraine to protect our citizens and bring the aggressor state to justice,” said Mariya Kiperman.
Other speakers of the Conference: Roman Maydanyk, Professor at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Advisor to the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (since 2021), Member of the Scientific and Advisory Board of the Supreme Court of Ukraine (since 2018), Member to the Working Group within the National Council for the Recovery of Ukraine (since 2022); Tetyana Nesterchuk, Barrister and Arbitrator, Fountain Court Chambers; Illia Chernohorenko, Director-General, Rule of Law Directorate, Ministry of Justice of Ukraine (2018-2019), Member to the Commission on Legal Reforms for the President of Ukraine (2019-2020), Member to the Working Group within the National Council for the Recovery of Ukraine (since 2022); Yuliya Atamanova, Doctor of Law, Attorney-at-law (Ukraine) and Arbitrator, Partner at LCF Law Group (Ukraine); Jessica Gladstone, partner of Clifford Chance LLP, solicitors, London.