On March 27, the partner of the GRECO Law Company, Oleh Shchelkunov – the head of the Consumer Protection Committee of the Association of Advocates of Ukraine, and the company’s lawyer, Olena Lolenko, participated in the Anti-Corruption Forum organized by the Association of Advocates of Ukraine and titled “Tribunal or Rescue of the State”. The Forum was dedicated to the discussion of anti-corruption practices in Ukraine under the influence of warfare, topical issues and problems related to combating corruption.
A public discussion was held during the event concerning the specifics of anti-corruption practice in Ukraine under the influence of warfare, as well as other topical issues and problems related to combating corruption.
AAU Forum was visited by the following speakers: representatives of the Verkhovna Rada, judges of the High Anti-Corruption Court and the High Criminal Court as part of the Supreme Court, officers of law enforcement agencies, leading lawyers, jurists, scientists, and representatives of the Ministry of Justice.
In particular, the following issues were discussed:
- realities of anti-corruption justice in wartime;
- results of the work of the High Anti-Corruption Court for the past year and a review of the judicial practice of the High Criminal Court as part of the Supreme Court regarding anti-corruption cases;
- legal standing regarding the issues of criminal and criminal procedural law;
- problematic issues of pre-trial investigation during martial law;
- access to justice during the war;
- international search during martial law;
- evidence in “sanction cases”;
- asset freeze abroad in criminal cases related to corruption crimes;
- judicial review of anti-corruption cases under martial law;
- institution for recovery of unjustified assets;
- e-declaration;
- international practice in anti-corruption cases, etc.
Link to the event: https://www.uaa.org.ua/zakhody/antykoruptsiynyy-forum-aau-2023/