On April 27, the managing partner of the Greco Law Company, Pavlo Kuftyryev, and the head of the Communications and External Relations Department, Mariya Kiperman, attended the first day of the Perfect Law Conference 2023: Global Class Actions and Mass Torts Conference, taking place in London, the central hall of Westminster, which is one of the most prestigious and iconic places in the central part of London.
Agenda discussed during the first day of the event:
- Conditions for bringing a class (collective) actions in different jurisdictions;
- Who should be the class representative?
- The importance of proper financing of the legal proceedings;
- How to determine the amount of damages?
- Settlement of class (collective) actions;
- Parallel cross-border litigation processes, practical cases;
- A special role of the judge in cases of collective redress.
“It is a great honour to attend such an event as the Perfect Law Conference 2023. Today, a very important question for Ukraine is the issue of justice. Currently, no one has any doubts about the moral suffering of Ukrainian citizens and pecuniary damages incurred. Every Ukrainian has the right to just satisfaction. And class actions are the most effective tool to protect the victims of Russian aggression against citizens of Ukraine. Today, in their reports, the speakers have shared practical aspects of the collective redress, the administration of such litigations, the organization of class actions. They presented successful international practice and experience that we need to apply in Ukraine to protect our citizens and bring the aggressor country and its henchmen to responsibility,” noted the managing partner of the Greco Law Company, Pavlo Kuftyryev.
The following speakers attend the Perfect Law Conference 2023: Prof. Christine Riefa (the lecturer at the University of Reading, editor of the European Consumer and Market Law), Dr. Ariel Flavian (the partner of Herzog Fox & Neeman), Eric Cramer (the chairman of Berger Montague, a law firm specializing in complex litigation), Sir Marcus Smith (the Judge of the High Court of Great Britain), Prof. Rachael Mulheron QC (Hon) (the professor of Tort Law and Civil Justice at Queen Mary University of London Law School), Ianika Tzankova (the first European professor in Collective Redress), Els Bruggeman (the head of Enforcement at Euroconsumers), Klaus Rotter (the partner and founder of Rotter Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB, Munich), Robert Hanna (the co-founder of the largest UK company – Augusta Ventures), Robyn Griffin (the senior managing director at Huntington National Bank), Elena Rey (the partner of the Finance Practice Group), Leeor Cohen (the senior vice president at Burford), Dr. Janet Netz (the founding partner of applEcon), Greg Coleman (the managing partner of Milberg), Sabrina Lombardi (the class action partner at McKenzie Lake), Machteld De Monchy (the partner at DE BRAUW BLACKSTONE WESTBROEK), Stuart Carson (the partner of the Competition Litigation Department, Stewarts), Jeremy A. Lieberman (the managing partner of Pomerantz), Han Jongeneel (the judge of the Amsterdam District Court), Caroline Taylor (the partner at Milberg, class action specialist), Robert M. Dow Jr. (the U.S. District Judge for the Northern District of Illinois), Dr. Fabian Reuschle (the judge of the 3rd Chamber of the Stuttgart Regional Court (Landgericht)), and Silvia Barison (the judge of the District Court of Venice).
The Perfect Law Conference 2023 is an international event called for bringing the issue of class actions and collective redress to light. The conference brings together leading academics, members of the judiciary, regulators, and class action experts. Experts from around the world will share their knowledge on seeking collective redress and improving access to justice.

The Conference program can be found at: https://perfectlaw.co.uk/agenda/